Iyengar Yoga for Healthy Aging

My dear friends,
I am more than happy, that the Book “Gesund Altern”, we published in German language in 2019, will now be published early January 2021 in English with the title “Healthy Aging”. So many students have asked for the English version. It took us one year to finalize the translation and I would like to say thank you to Mary Heath, my senior colleague who did a wonderful job editing the book.
I had planned this book together with Geeta S. Iyengar as a follow-up to our book “Iyengar Yoga for Menopause” still in 2017/2018. Unfortunately she did not live to see it completed.
To make you and us happy I would like to offer a special rate for the book – we will send the book to any area and country of the world you live and we take over the shipping costs. (This offer is valid until 31st March 2021.)
The book itself will cost 39,- Euros – special discount of 20% will be given for India and South Africa.
With warm regards
Rita Keller

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