Milestones in the Life of a Master – 1918-2014 and His Legacy Beyond
Announcing the Launch of Rita Keller’s New Book: „Milestones in the Life of a Master – 1918-2014 and His Legacy Beyond“ We are delighted to unveil Rita Keller’s latest masterpiece, „Milestones in the Life of a Master – 1918-2014 and His Legacy Beyond“, a profound exploration of the extraordinary life and enduring legacy of B.K.S.…
WeiterlesenDie Region (auch) mit Iyengar Yoga wieder stärken
Rita Keller (Leiterin der Iyengar-Yoga-Akademie Light-on-Yoga (LOY und Autorin von Büchern wie Iyengar Yoga in der Menopause, Iyengar Yoga für Mütter und werdende Mütter Thieme Verlag, sowie Iyengar Yoga für gesundes Altern) ) und das Team wird ab dem 15. Oktober 2022 in Lantershofen wieder wöchenliche Präsenz- Kurse unterrichten. Während Corona und insbesondere auch direkt nach…
WeiterlesenNew Book: Iyengar Yoga for Menopause
I am happy to announce that the book has been printed and is ready to be dispatched. We have written this book together with Geetaji – and Guruji went through it with me (Rita) twice. . The format of the book is 21 cm x 28 cm – with 640 pages and 2.056 photos and…
WeiterlesenYoga Post-COVID – Regeneratives Üben nach einer COVID Erkrankung
Ein Video mit Rita Keller
WeiterlesenIyengar Yoga for Healthy Aging
My dear friends, I am more than happy, that the Book “Gesund Altern”, we published in German language in 2019, will now be published early January 2021 in English with the title “Healthy Aging”. So many students have asked for the English version. It took us one year to finalize the translation and I would like to…
WeiterlesenCorona-Virus Covid 19 in China and Pandemic
Immunity Boost in China Yoga Journal China interviews Dr. Marda Ghanashyam, Doctor of Ayurveda Medicine and Science from Pune, India The interview was taken end of February 2020 and published March 2020 What does low immunity do to us besides reducing our ability to resist disease? Immunity is a body defense mechanism system it just…